"Brooklyn1" wrote in message
Gary wrote:
>Sqwertz wrote:
>> Well, I was referring to Barb Schaller who makes her own pierogi and
>> is very proud and defensive about them. But you'll do in her absence.
>That Barb only shows up here about once a year after she wins more blue
>ribbons. yawn.
Agreed... I doubt her pierogies are half as good as Mrs. Ts.
It's easy to win ribbons when the competition sucks.
Minniesoda is not known for great cooks so not much competition.
In fact today a neighbor gifted me two pint jars of her homemade
blueberry jam, excellent! Made from her own blueberries, I suppose in
appreciation for all the veggies I've given her. I have much more
than I can ever eat, today I picked my first cabbage, a nine pounder
and it's the smallest one... I have 22 more, all larger. Most will be
given away. However I have plans for a huge pot of cabbage soup,
fried cabbage with egg noodles, and lots of cole slaw. We also like
stemed cabbage wedges with butter. Fresh cabbage is much better than
stupidmarket cabbage
The only pierogi I see are in the Polish section at the supermarkets. I
haven't tried them though. If I wanted them I would make them myself.