TammyM > wrote in message news
> Another truly wonderful vegetarian cookbook is Deborah Madison's
> 'Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone.' I think I've probably used
> at least 1/3 of the recipes in the book, and thems better stats
> than for any of my other cookbooks.
> Tammy
> Sacramento, California
I second this. It's become my new bible. Hubby just switched from
Atkins to vegetarian overnight (don't ask) and I sprung for D. Madison
in desperation. I'd be happy to have it even if still cooking for a
meat eater, the vegetable recipes are so helpful and good. WHat I like
is how she offers the most basic, simple ways to prepare everything
(grains, beans, every obscure veg you can find in your best market) as
well as more elaborate dishes for parties or the more ambitious. So I
can bring home bok choy and trust that there will be a simple way to
prepare it for tonight's dinner.
I have to cook with two pre-schoolers underfoot and need simplicity;
but I also like having more complex recipes available if needed.