Gotta guy named Vern Tate here in Fargo with a little strip mall place
called Ribs West. It's strictly walk up counter and formica, but you
can get beer and the food is really good.
Vern used to have a wagon type place here that he ran from a downtown
parking lot in summers for several years. The a few years ago he
finally packed up his family and moved them to this frozen wasteland
full time. I think he really did his research to see if BBQ would "go"
with these Norwegians (Catsup? A little too spicy for me.)
Vern won his first Rib Fest here. Then the year before last we got a
Famous Daves with a walloping ad budget. Ribs West didn't get
"invited" to Rib Fest. The town exploded (partially because Vern is
African American and it really looked stinky.) The powers that be
changed their minds and invited Vern. He beat the crap out of Famous
Daves. Now he has volunteers who staff his booth so he can float
between the fest and his restaurant. He teaches classes in BBQ too! I
just wish he'd give me his coleslaw dressing recepie - it's pink and
sweet and has a real kick.
Lynn from Fargo
PS - you will be able to buy Famous Daves sauces, rubs, marinades etc.
in your supermarkets They market heavily. Don't buy the "Wilber" beans
(frozen) - mine are better and I just doctor Bush's canned.