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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Washing Fruit Prior To Consumption...

On Wed, 14 Sep 2016 10:06:34 -0400, William > wrote:

>On Wed, 14 Sep 2016 09:06:02 -0400, Brooklyn1
> wrote:
>>On Tue, 13 Sep 2016 12:16:52 -0400, William > wrote:
>>>I rinse apples and grapes by holding them under the tap water before
>>>eating them. I often wonder if I am getting "pesticide residue" off
>>>these fruits before I eat them? Would they be better rinsed if I
>>>filled the sink with cold water and let them "soak" for a while to
>>>remove the residue? I saw on tv there are more germs in the kitchen
>>>sink than in the toilet. I suppose there is just not an effective and
>>>easy way to clean your fruits before eating.

>>What quantity are you talking... one needn't fill a sink to soak a
>>couple bunches of grapes, use a bowl/pot. Before bringing in veggies
>>from my garden I rinse everything in a bucket of water, only to get
>>most of the dirt off (soil, bird poop, etc.), I use no chemicals...
>>also removes a lot of creepy crawlies from leafy items. Once indoors
>>I wash everything carefully before it goes in the fridge, and again
>>before using. The fools can always easily tell that they've wasted
>>their dollars buying produce labeled organic when there's no evidence
>>of creepy crawlies.

>that's an excellent idea Sheldon, I need a bucket I can rinse out in
>the sink and fill with water to soak the fruits and vegetables.
>Probably plastic and not a metal bucket since metals react to stuff.
>I think I'll just get one of those 5 gallon plastic buckets from Home
>Depot, Melons would fit nicely.

I use a 5 gallon plastic contractor bucket because I typicaly harvest
more than will fit in a plastic mop bucket, however I have various
sized plastic mop buckets and bowls... my favorite veggie washing
container is one of those plastic supermarket shopping baskets, fill
and hit with the garden hose and then let it drain before carrying it
inside. And no, I didn't steal it, I got a pile of them for free when
Times Square Stores (TSS Seedman's) went out of business... they make
a handy dandy tractor basket.
You can just make out the TSS:
Most smaller tractors don't have a place for carrying tools and stuff
(even large tractors), tying on a market basket solves the problem:
Bet yoose didn't know that farm cats can drive tractors: