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Jeßus[_60_] Jeßus[_60_] is offline
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Default Those Hormel "Compleat" meals

On Wed, 14 Sep 2016 16:26:25 -0700, koko > wrote:

>On Thu, 15 Sep 2016 08:08:06 +1000, Jeßus > wrote:
>>On Wed, 14 Sep 2016 05:37:38 -0700 (PDT), Nancy2
> wrote:
>>>Making mashed potatoes with real potatoes for one person
>>>just isn't practical for me. I can never use the leftovers before
>>>they are too old.

>>I cook for one most of the time and I couldn't conceive of using
>>instant. The difference is like espresso coffee using quality beans
>>and some nasty instant coffee. I'd rather simply go without if making
>>real mashed spuds wasn't an option.
>>I sometimes make crude patties from leftover mashed spuds and fry them
>>up for breakfast, along with an egg and/or maybe bacon, or whatever
>>takes my fancy that morning.

>Mmm that's my favorite thing to make with leftover mashed potatoes.
>I like topping the potato patty with a sunny side up egg so I can sop
>up the yolk with the potatoes.
>Dang, now I'll have to make mashed potatoes tonight for breakfast

Hah, it's hard to resist. Another thing I like to do for breakfast is
heat up a bowl of cauliflower or pumpkin soup and drop a poached egg
in the middle. It might sound odd but it's delicious