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Default REC: Chicken marinade for grill

On Thu, 15 Sep 2016 11:29:01 -0600, Janet B >

>I am sold on this one. This is now my go-to for grilled chicken. I
>tripled the recipe for 12 sizeable bone-in, skin-on, chicken thighs. I
>prepped the thighs by removing all fat and hanging skin. I kept the
>thighs in the marinade for 4-5 hours. Before grilling, I drained them
>and lightly patted them sort of dry to ward off the chance of
>flare-ups. Grill at low to medium low heat, turning often. About 35
>minutes. Delicious.
>You will note that Ina Garten uses this marinade for chicken breasts
>in the oven.
>Chicken Marinade
>Recipe courtesy of Ina Garten
>1/2 cup lemon juice (use fresh)
>2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
>kosher salt and freshly ground pepper
>1 cup olive oil
>2 chicken breasts, bone-in and skin-on
>In a bowl, whisk together the lemon juice, mustard, 1 teaspoon salt
>and 1/2 teaspoon pepper. While whisking, slowly add the olive oil
>until the vinaigrette is emulsified. Pour half the marinade over the
>chicken, reserving the other half to use later. (I always put things
>in marinade in a zip bag and then into a pan. I feel that I can
>better surround the items with the marinade that way)
>Preheat the oven to 350F
>roast the chicken for 35 to 40 minutes. Remove the chicken and pour
>or brush the remaining marinade over the top of the cooked chicken.
>NOTE: I simply brushed marinade over the chicken on the platter. It
>was delicious. Everyone loved the chicken and commented on it several
>Janet US

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