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johnny smithers johnny smithers is offline
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Posts: 19
Default Washing Fruit Prior To Consumption...

Je�us wrote:
> On Thu, 15 Sep 2016 13:50:34 +0100, Janet > wrote:
>> The pretzel overpowered Bush while he was sitting down on a sofa
>> during his first term at the White House, but they still re-elected the
>> wimp.

> They should have put a chimp mask on the pretzel and substituted it
> for the real Bush. It'd have to be better qualified, surely.

Bush II (some of us prefer to call him "shrub") was a
complete douchebag. He was the president, though, so he was
like a shitty king or other ruler, In USA, we were forced to
follow him, not having the means for rebellion as we had in
the failed 1861 attempt.

These guys are given a lot of power, so we are not able to
counteract the shit they do until it is too late. There are
lots of examples. Nixon, for example, caused the
deaths/maiming of many thousands of young men in our country.

Both of our "parties" are bad. They both do evil. If you
think only the republicans, or only the democrats are evil,
then, you need to look within yourself, and question
yourself why.