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Cindy Hamilton[_2_] Cindy Hamilton[_2_] is offline
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Default Washing Fruit Prior To Consumption...

On Friday, September 16, 2016 at 3:00:14 AM UTC-4, Leonard Blaisdell wrote:
> In article >, Ed
> Pawlowski > wrote:
> > Most of his campaign rhetoric and promises is what that group of people
> > talk about over a couple of beers. Finally a candidate that understands
> > them and it going to fix things. Yep, he is keeping out the illegals,
> > mooslums, gays, commies, and furriners, Yeah, we'll get 'em.

> Remember Ed, when we were growing up, we had a thriving blue-collar
> middle class? Governmental regulation of damned near everything has
> driven manufacturing out of our country. We no longer have a
> military-industrial complex, because there is no industrial part.
> People ranting about the M-I complex haven't a clue of what's going on.
> We can't even produce military components to keep our weapons of war
> working or microchips to run our ever increasing need for information
> technology. It's all gone. Others do it somewhere else.
> We need to put our people back to work again with a sense of purpose
> and not dependent on governmental largesse that fewer and fewer people
> keep paying for.

What Presidential power will enable that to happen? I just don't see
either Clinton or Trump having an iota effect on restoring the
manufacturing base in the U.S.

> Vote for Hillary and support a historically and nowadays rapidly
> declining status-quo and continual weakening of the USA with dangerous
> consequences to the world.
> Vote for Trump and support something different. God knows what.
> I'm voting Trump.

I'm going to step off of this cliff in the dark. Maybe there'll be
a ledge 5 feet down, or maybe not. God knows what.

Cindy Hamilton