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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Washing Fruit Prior To Consumption...

On 2016-09-16 12:00 PM, Gary wrote:
> William wrote:
>> How much more would they cost to pay the United Auto Workers to build
>> the cars in Detroit? If the current Ford Chairman tried to build them
>> in Detroit, would the Ford shareholders demand his firing? It's really
>> tough to be a Capitalist Pig in America today.

> The unions ruined the us auto workers. They demanded way too much money
> and benefits so the auto manufacturers just said screw this and took
> their labor overseas. That's just good business and not greedy
> corporation people. Liberals never seem to understand this. They just
> blame the 'greedy rich guys.'

The unions got workers wages that enabled them to become customers. They
also spent a lot of money in the community, and that helped people in
other sectors prosper. I might suggest that is the real version of what
Reagan thought he was talking about with his trickle down stuff. I live
in an area that had a lot of unionized manufacturing. The workers
bought nice houses and/or did renovations, which provided jobs on
building supplies and for contractors. They went out for meals, giving
jobs to people in the service industry. They bought clothes and other
goods, creating other jobs in manufacturing and in retail. The could
afford to send their kids university.

The Republican view of trickle down didn't man out the way Reagan tried
to sell it. They broke down trade barriers to allow more foreign goods
into North American markets, which allowed them to buy manufacturing
plants in places like Mexico where they did not have to pay workers as
much, did not have to treat them fairly, where they did not have to
worry about environmental issues. China can turn out North American
designed products at a fraction of the price that it costs to build them
here, but half the time you can't breathe the air or drink the water.
You would not even think to swim in their rivers.