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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Washing Fruit Prior To Consumption...

On 2016-09-16 12:43 PM, wrote:
> On 16 Sep 2016 15:44:13 GMT, notbob > wrote:
>> On 2016-09-16, Leonard Blaisdell > wrote:
>>> Governmental regulation of damned near everything has driven
>>> manufacturing out of our country.

>> Geez, you really are as dumb as you sound. 8|
>> nb

> It had more to do with cheap labour -

The cost of labour is not everything. The workers have no rights and
they treat them like crap and expose them to unsafe conditions. Look at
the collapse of sweat shops in Bangladesh as an example of that. They
don't have to worry about environmental issues. Environmental laws are
slack or none existent. If there are problems.... slip someone some

They also offer lower taxes. Combine that with their ability to shuffle
their money from one country to another to avoid taxation. It is
difficult for any single country to go after a company for taxes if they
can present a good case that the money in question was generated or
spent in a different country. Consider the recent findings against
Apple and its tax problems in Ireland. As I understand it, they have had
little more than a corporate presence in Ireland for years and have paid
almost no taxes. Ireland is protesting the findings, but the EU is
demanding that they recover something like $15 Billion in taxes from Apple.