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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Neighborhood Drama (oh, and...)

On Fri, 16 Sep 2016 14:27:43 -0400, jmcquown >

>On 9/16/2016 2:19 PM, jmcquown wrote:
>> On 9/16/2016 1:25 PM, Gary wrote:
>>> jmcquown wrote:
>>>> Sorry, I've got other things going on. Lots of neighborhood drama have
>>>> me a tad distracted. Who thought older folks could get into this much
>>>> mischief? LOL
>>> Please do tell more. I'm a bit nosey.

>> My next door neighbor and the neighbor across the street have some sort
>> of feud going on. She keeps alluding to some "incident" but won't tell
>> me what happened. The guy across the street is a seasonal resident who
>> is apparently going to be living here permanently as he is getting a
>> divorce. Used to be he'd show up with his wife but that stopped last
>> year. He started showing up alone. I'd already figured out they were
>> going to split. I mean, who goes on vacation for a month at a time
>> without their spouse?
>> Anyway, he's been gone for a couple of weeks. He called me this morning
>> and asked if I'd unlock his door and turn on the porch lights; he won't
>> get here until around midnight. He lost his keys. Oh, and DON'T TELL
>> the neighbor I unlocked the door!
>> He asked if I knew what was going on. No, and I really don't want to.
>> He said this other neighbor used to just walk into his house
>> unannounced. I have no idea why she'd do that. He said he has spoken
>> to Security and they know not to allow her to set foot on his property!
>> She'd be trespassing!
>> WOW.
>> I get the feeling she wanted some sort of relationship with him and was
>> rebuffed. (This is a woman whom I have seen personally working in her
>> back yard, which faces the 11th green of the golf course, wearing
>> nothing but her granny panties and sometimes a bra. An exhibitionist?
>> Dying for some attention?)
>> At any rate, this guy does NOT want her to know the door is unlocked.
>> Okay, fine. It's not like she's my best friend. After this, please
>> leave me out of it. I am perfectly content to sit back with my books
>> and my cat and my newsgroup. I certainly do not hang out with either of
>> them so don't drag me into the drama.
>> They're both in their 70's. I had no idea I moved to Peyton Place. LOL
>> Jill

>The female neighbor also mentioned she found him on a dating web site
>and he lists himself as Divorced. (He's in the process, so what?) Why
>on earth is she even looking for him on a dating web site? More
>importantly, why does she care? It's all very strange.

There are inexpensive LED fixtures that come on at dusk and go off at
dawn. The indoor night lights just plug in and give a lot more light
than thoe with small incondescent bulbs, and the LED only consume 0.4
watt and they last more then 15 years... I have six of them inside my
house, even one in the basement so the cats don't get lost. LOL
I changed all my outdoor lighting to LED and am chnging lighting
indoors too. This sensor can be wired to an outdoor fixtu awn