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Washing Fruit Prior To Consumption...
On Fri, 16 Sep 2016 14:57:00 -0600, Janet B >
>On Fri, 16 Sep 2016 15:00:16 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
>>On 9/16/2016 12:40 PM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>>>> Vote for Trump and support something different. God knows what.
>>>>>> I'm voting Trump.
>>>>> I'm going to step off of this cliff in the dark. Maybe there'll be
>>>>> a ledge 5 feet down, or maybe not. God knows what.
>>>> Same here. It's worth a try. We'll get change and just have to hope it's
>>>> better change.
>>> So you're willing to bet that the step into the dark won't be a
>>> disaster? Sorry, not me. In fact, it's not even that dark. Trump
>>> has proved untrustworthy by his actions time and time again.
>>> I don't like Hillary Clinton, but come Election Day I'll hold my nose
>>> and vote for her.
>>> Cindy Hamilton
>>I don't know if I'm voting for Trump, but nothing could hold my nose
>>tight enough to vote for Hillary. It would make me ill.
>Specifics would be nice. It's so easy to say she isn't trustworthy.
>Makes you sound smart, doesn't it? Lay it out, side by side. Prove
>that she is less trustworthy. That Trump is a better human being.
>The GOP has spent millions and millions and millions of my tax dollars
>and years and years of government time trying to prove she is guilty
>of something or other over a period of 30 or 40 years. Nothing, nada,
>zilch. Trump has 3600 lawsuits, bankruptcy after bankruptcy, obvious
>multiple infidelities, clear evidence of deliberately bilking people,
>suspicious connections with countries and entities that are not
>friends of the US, plus he has no experience of any type of governing,
>has a dangerous mind set toward use of our military, can't control
>his mouth or temper and is a flat out habitual, big whopper liar. Have
>you followed through to see whether any of his proposals are
>achievable, legal, within his province, or doable? He has not idea of
>what is already being done. His staff and party admit he has no
>desire to listen or learn. He just wants to do what he thinks up in
>the morning. He's said he will operate as a CEO and assign the
>presidential functions to others.
>yeah, Hillary is a really bad choice all right.
>Janet US
It's nice to see there is at least one sane American