"Ed Pawlowski" wrote in message
On 9/16/2016 6:57 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2016-09-16 3:48 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>> On 9/16/2016 2:04 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>> .
>>> Consider the recent findings against
>>> Apple and its tax problems in Ireland. As I understand it, they have had
>>> little more than a corporate presence in Ireland for years and have paid
>>> almost no taxes. Ireland is protesting the findings, but the EU is
>>> demanding that they recover something like $15 Billion in taxes from
>>> Apple.
>> From what little I've read, Ireland want the jobs created, EU wants the
>> tax money. The type of thing that will make people vote for a Brexit.
> There has to be an equal playing field. Of course the countries want the
> tax revenues from the corporations doing business in their jurisdiction.
> They do not want a situation where a company is doing a whack of
> business within the vast market of the economic union when the tax
> profits are all going to only one member, and there really aren't any
> being paid.
I'm not interested enough to investigate the situation. Taxes should be
paid according to what is deemed fair and assessed, equally for all
corporations, and that is what Apple is saying it did but the EU wants
more. If it was set up and agreed to the present rate, so be it. If
Apple is evading, they should pay. If the EU is making the rules
retroactively, screw them. Probably comes down to interpretation.
The EU want the money to be paid to the Irish government which they say is
owed. The Irish prefer the jobs.