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Taxed and Spent Taxed and Spent is offline
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Default General Purpose Cooking Oil

On 9/17/2016 7:02 AM, wrote:
> For the last decade or so, we've bought exactly one oil to keep in our kitchen, a non-EV olive from Trader Joe's. We're now considering alternatives. I tried canola oil - seems fine. We mostly use it to sautée but also use it wherever and whenever we need, e.g., baking, on salads, frying. I'm considering keeping one oil for cooking and getting some EV olive oil for salads.
> Your thoughts appreciated, and thanks in advance.
> -S-

Real Italians always use what you have been using - "pure olive oil"
(which is not EVOO) as their general purpose oil for everything
including frying. These days there are also 25% EVOO blends with canola
oil, grapeseed oil, etc, which would be pretty equivalent to the "pure
olive oil".

They may also have EVOO on hand for dressing and drizzling.