Pancakes - diner style?
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Taxed and Spent
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Posts: 2,012
Pancakes - diner style?
On 9/16/2016 8:39 AM, Janet wrote:
> In article >,
>> On Wednesday, September 14, 2016 at 10:26:17 AM UTC-5, wrote:
>>> On Wednesday, September 14, 2016 at 10:16:35 AM UTC-4, wrote:
>>>> Did you enquire at the diner what their recipe might be?
>>> No, I would tend to assume that would be rude.
>> Really? Most people would be flattered if you ask for their
>> recipe for a particular dish or at least what a certain ingre-
>> dient is.
> I agree. I've done that many many times and *only once* ever been
> refused because it was a secret.
> The refusal was a restaurant's family secret recipe for scrambled
> eggs, handed down from grandmother.
> I had seen "scrambled eggs" on the lunch menu and commented that this
> was rather unusual in that kind of restaurant (high class food and
> service ) Who on earth would go to such a restaurant then order
> scrambled eggs? The owner replied " These are not ordinary scrambled
> eggs, not like any you've ever tasted. People come hundreds of miles to
> eat this very secret recipe from my grandmother.It has never been shared
> outside the family and never will be."
> Naturally I thought he was joking or boasting but I reckon my
> scrambled eggs are pretty damn good so of course I had to order his to
> compare.
> Well, they were the best most delicious scrambled eggs I have ever
> eaten. The magic ingredient was indefinable, half way between a scent
> and a flavour, with a specially creamy texture, and he would never tell
> me how they did it. Countless guess-experiments at home with truffles,
> herbs, spices, different creams, buttermilk, sourcream, yoghurt etc but
> I have never managed to replicate it.
> Janet UK
Is this restaurant still open for business? It would be interesting to
see the YELP reviews.
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Taxed and Spent
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