On Sun, 18 Sep 2016 21:55:42 +1000, Bruce >
>In article >,
>> On Sun, 18 Sep 2016 12:08:29 +1000, Bruce >
>> wrote:
>> > Is this based on Chinese medicine? Or Scottish folklore perhaps?
>> Maybe she doesn't like reheated scrambled egg.
>So we can reheat eggs, just not feed them to her?
They are not reheated, they could be but we prefer cold the next
day... it's more a fritatta than an omelet and definitely not
scrambled. Fritattas are often eaten cold. The potatoes are diced
and well browned in olive oil before beaten eggs are added. It's a
dish I prepare often especially on weekends as it requires very little
tending to, a one pan dish that makes enough for two meals for two and
still some left over for a lunch. The potatoes are peeled, diced, and
started browning on low heat in early morning. After 4-5 hours the
potatoes are well browned with only turning once each hour. Then the
heat can be turned off and they can sit on the stove top, there's
nothing to spoil. Before adding the eggs the potatoes are reheated
with some butter added, then on low heat it's ready in about 20
minutes. Once firmed up enough I slice it into quarters with the
spatula and when I feel it's firm enough I flip each quarter. There
are several versions, sometimes I add bell peppers, when just for me I
add onions, not everyone is able to eat onions... they like onions but
onions don't like them, makes them sick... probably the reason
critters don't eat onions, they won't eat my daffodils but they'll eat
most all other bulbs. My tulips are fenced but my daffs are planted
everywhere. Onions, garlic, and daffs are botanically related,
Alliums, they contain too much/many alkaloids that critters avoid