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notbob notbob is offline
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Default Update on neighbor Drama (WAS Washing Fruit Prior ToConsumption...)

On 2016-09-18, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:

> Did you see the family in Tennessee that 9 died in a fire? Small one
> story house, but the windows had bars and the doors were deadbolted.
> They were so secure they perished.

No, but I read in the newspaper about the family that lived in the
rural South. They lived almost 100 yds downhill from a roadway curve
that bordered their property. One Winter night, as they were all
sleeping in a corner back bedroom --to preserve heat--, a car ran off
the road at their curve, crashed and banged the entire 100 yds down
the hill to the house fulla sleeping occupants, crashed into and took
out that exact corner of the house, killing all 4 family members.

IOW, when you get kilt, you be dead. --WoW:notbob
