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Cindy Hamilton[_2_] Cindy Hamilton[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 14,590
Default Washing Fruit Prior To Consumption...

On Sunday, September 18, 2016 at 1:57:46 PM UTC-4, Gary wrote:
> Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> >
> > Well, look at his constituency.
> >
> > <>
> >
> > 1.less educated than the average Republican
> > 2.poorer than the average Republican
> > 3.middle aged
> > 4.authoritarian
> > 5.populist
> > 6.unlikely to have a good credit score

> Typical liberal Democraps that know they are going to lose. Name
> calling, grim faces, never any sense of humor. If you don't believe in
> THEIR way, you are an idiot. ho hum.

Goodness, that made you angry. I display a general garment, and
you act as if it is made to your measure.

I didn't look hard at the polling data (not that my one course
in Probability and Statistics for my math minor makes me a
statistician, of course), but it's not just some guy making
stuff up. You are welcome to refute each of those points. I'll
follow links to demographic data that contradict the claims
made at

> Trump is going to win. When he does, too bad he can't deport all the
> libtards that follow democratic party no matter who runs...
> I vote the person, not the party. I'm not a party lemming.

Neither am I. I voted for Bush I but not Bush II, because I could
see that he's an idiot. Frankly, I haven't been able to vote
Republican at the top of the ticket since the religious right
took over the party. I'm still registered as a Republican, though,
and will vote Republican in local races if the candidate seems
worthy of my vote.

Cindy Hamilton