Thread: DINNER Tonight
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Jeßus[_55_] Jeßus[_55_] is offline
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Default DINNER Tonight

On Tue, 20 Sep 2016 13:53:55 -0700 (PDT), Cindy Hamilton
> wrote:

>I've at least twice had to have my credit card re-issued due to a data
>breach somewhere. These weren't even places that I shop online.
>The cloud is insecure. Really, it is.

Yep. It's very nature makes it vulnerable. Your personal data online
and potentially out of your control if security is breached (which is
only a matter of time before it happens).

>> Back in the old days, important files were backed up on tapes and stored in a remote location. This still holds true today except that the files are not put on tapes, placed in a vehicle, and driven away.

>Yes, they are. That's exactly how my employer handles backups. Ok, not
>on tape, but to removable hard drives. Then they've moved offsite.

I set up a LAN across my property, and my backups go to 2 machines in
buildings separated by hundreds of feet. Short of a massive earthquake
or meteor strike... I will always have a good backup.