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Default "Dorothy Cann Hamilton, Founder of French Culinary Institute, Dies inCrash at 67"

Very sad.

SEPT. 19, 2016

First third:

Dorothy Cann Hamilton, a food aficionado who started a vocational course that evolved into one of the worlds leading culinary schools, died on Friday on Cape Breton Island in Nova Scotia. She was 67.

She died of injuries sustained in an automobile collision, said Bruce McCann, her cousin and the president of the International Culinary Center in California, the West Coast branch of the school that she founded in New York City in 1984 as the French Culinary Institute. She was the chief executive there.

The police said her SUV and a truck hauling a camper collided.

Ms. Hamilton, who lived in Manhattan, had a home in a remote corner of Cape Breton Island, in Fourchu, which she described in a blog post as €śmy familys home village.€ť She was there to close her home for the winter and to meet with local educators.

The International Culinary Center is an outgrowth of her fathers training institute in the mechanical trades. Located in the SoHo neighborhood of Manhattan, it counts more than 15,000 chefs as graduates, among them, Bobby Flay, Dan Barber, Wylie Dufresne, Christina Tosi, David Chang and Zak Pelaccio.

The centers deans and teachers have included professional chefs like Jacques Pepin, Andre Soltner, Jacques Torres, Alain Sailhac, Jose Andres, Nils Noren and Cesare Casella.

Ms. Hamilton was also the host of €śChefs Story,€ť a PBS television and Heritage Radio Network series that profiled chefs. Last year she became one of only four Americans (the others were Julia Child, Thomas Keller and Alice Waters) to receive the Legion of Honor from the French government for promoting French cuisine in the United States.

She wrote several books, including €śLove What You Do: Building a Career in the Culinary Industry€ť (with Lisa Cornelio and Christopher Papagni), published in 2009.

€śDorothy was a visionary,€ť Mr. Torres said. €śShe produced and mentored the most talented chefs.€ť

She was also cleareyed about what makes for good cooking. €śThe whole basis of cooking well doesnt necessarily have to do with a recipe or the genius of a cook; it has to do with the ingredients,€ť Ms. Hamilton said in 1999. €śIf you dont have a beautiful tomato, youre never going to get a great tomato soup.€ť...


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