Thread: Salt vs. salt
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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Salt vs. salt

KenK wrote:
>What's the difference in cooking beween kosher salt and common table salt?
>Grain size? Taste? Does it actually make a difference in recipes? (I've
>never bought or tasted kosher salt.)

Chemically they are the same, only some contain anti clumping
compounds which you won't taste, but for pickling can cause
cloudiness. For measuring kosher salt is of larger crystals so by
equal volume kosher salt will weigh less by about half. For cooking I
use only kosher salt, I measure by eye/feel. Even for seasoning my
food I use kosher salt by the pinch/sprinkle... I keep table salt only
for guests, I've had the same container of table salt for maybe 40
years (still almost full), the last time I filled a salt shaker with
table salt has to be some ten years ago, and my salt shaker is small,
holds maybe 1 Tbls of table salt, it's rarely used.