Thread: Salt vs. salt
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Default Salt vs. salt

In article >,
sf > wrote:

> On 21 Sep 2016 13:53:25 GMT, KenK > wrote:
> > What's the difference in cooking beween kosher salt and common table salt?
> > Grain size? Taste? Does it actually make a difference in recipes? (I've
> > never bought or tasted kosher salt.)
> >

> It's a larger flake. You might like it. Taste is no different.

Unscrew the lid of a shaker of iodized salt and take a good sniff. Then
do the same with a shaker of Kosher salt.

Dunno about you, but I can sure tell the difference. Pure salt should
have no odor.

I've used nothing but Kosher salt in cooking for years. Note that the
larger flakes means that it'll take more Kosher salt *by volume* to have
the same effect. For critical things like some baked goods, the
difference between "regular" salt and the various brands of Kosher salt
can be significant.
