On 2016-09-23 11:15 AM, Brooklyn1 wrote:
> Nayla THE UNEDUCATED Azzahra wrote:
>> Does this sound familiar? You WANT to eat healthy.
> You want to eat HEALTHFULLY!
> Eating "healthy" means eating huge portions.
Healthy versus Healthful: The problem is that some people insist that
you cant say your salad is healthy; you have to say its healthful
because only healthful can mean €śconducive to good health.€ť The thinking
is that only a living thing can be healthy€”if were in good health, you
and I can describe ourselves as healthy. Healthy is a personal
characteristic, but things that are dead, things we consume, arent
healthy anymore. If theyre good for us, theyre healthful.
Heres a joke from an 1895 usage guide that played on this kind of
thinking: €śThe physician implied precise English, when, to the inquiry
whether oysters were "healthy at certain seasons, he replied, "I have
never heard one complain of an ache or an ail.€ť
That was the thinking in the 1800s when usage and etiquette writers
railed against healthy and recommended healthful or wholesome. (Of
course these were the same people who said you should call a womans
garment a gown instead of a dress.)
Healthy has long been used to describe things that improve your
constitution. The Oxford English Dictionary shows that healthy has been
used to mean €śhealthful or wholesome€ť since the 1500s. Yet, the rule
makers railed against healthy in the 1800s, and it was in a battle
against healthful for dominance for many years. Ultimately, though,
people voted for a healthy diet instead of a healthful diet.