Thread: DINNER Tonight
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Default DINNER Tonight

On Sun, 25 Sep 2016 08:36:47 +0100, "Ophelia" >

> I would love to see that. I don't suppose I'll ever get there at this point,
> but I definitely enjoy your pics of the various seasons.

You should try. We made a "leaf peeping" loop of the USA and lower
Canada a few years ago and it was truly a trip to remember. Everyone
needs to see Niagara Falls from the Canadian side once in their life.

I'm not that many years younger than you are, but hubby and I were
just talking about making a specific visit to Washington DC to explore
the parts of the Smithsonian we haven't seen yet, the new Black
History museum, tour the White House (something I've done several
times, but hubby never has) etc. DC is usually just a side trip for
us, but it will be the destination this time.

We've never been to New Orleans either, but that will be another trip.

I also want to see White Sands National Monument in New Mexico
and Vermilion Cliffs National Monument in Arizona (300,000 acres) the
next time we tour the Southwest.
There's so much to see right here in the good old US of A!

PS: I've been to Dinosaur National Monument in Utah. It was very
interesting and it's pretty close to home.

I love cooking with wine.
Sometimes I even put it in the food.