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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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On Sun, 25 Sep 2016 00:43:43 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:

>On 9/24/2016 8:09 PM, Brooklyn1 wrote:
>> Dinner Tonight:
>> A 1 1/3 pound USDA Choice Porterhouse steak fried in butter to medium
>> rare, also a one pound bag of chopped spinach nuked with butter.

>Why in butter in a pan as opposed to the new grill you bought? I'd
>grill it and put a pat of butter on top when it was done.

That grill is still in my garage, in pieces, I haven't had time to put
it together and when I had some time the weather didn't cooperate, was
either in the 90s and humid like a steam bath or pouring rain. During
warm weather I mow two days a week and the past few weeks I've been
busy tending to the area where that rental cottage was removed. in
fact I'm going out in a few minutes to water the grass seed, takes
over two hours moving hoses around. Now that I wish it would rain it
won't, no rain in sight for the next week.
But no big deal, I probably wouldn't light the grill for one steak. I
prefer cooking one steak in a pan anyway, and we don't like beef
bloody rare. We don't eat steak often but they had a pretty good sale
so I bought that larger one.