Why soft boiled vs....? Was: Soft Boiled Egg Breakfast
On 2016-09-26 5:23 PM, l not -l wrote:
> I have never had a soft-boiled egg. No criticism intended; but, I've never
> understood the attraction. Poached seems less trouble for the same end
> result, unless the attraction is the in-shell presentation.
That is pretty much the way I see it. I can watch a poached egg and know
when it is ready for me to eat. I like soft boiled eggs but I confess
to having difficulty with consistency. I don't know until I crack it
open if I had the right time for that size egg.
> Denizens of RFC, what say you on the attraction of soft-boiled eggs vs
> poached, coddled, baked or other forms of egging.
I think a properly cooked soft boiled egg is delicious. For me, that
means the white is barely set and the yolk is runny.