Salt vs. salt
On 2016-09-27 10:34 AM, Brooklyn1 wrote:
> On Sun, 25 Sep 2016 17:51:45 -0400, Dave Smith
>> When you get enough of anything in an enclosed space its smell overrides
>> other smells. On a closely related note.... a lot of people don't
>> notice the iodine flavour in table salt, but if you have a decent sense
>> of taste and try sea salt for a while and then go back to table salt the
>> iodine is very noticeable.
> Sea salt contains iodine and most every element on this planet... even
> excretia... sea salt is simply unpurified salt.
Yes, there likely is some iodine in sea salt, along with traces of other
elements. Iodized table salt has a lot more. You can taste it.