Thread: Salt vs. salt
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graham[_4_] graham[_4_] is offline
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Default Salt vs. salt

On 9/27/2016 4:34 PM, dsi1 wrote:
> On Tuesday, September 27, 2016 at 12:08:31 PM UTC-10, Bruce wrote:
>> In article >,
>> says...
>>> On Tue, 27 Sep 2016 11:19:05 -0600, graham > wrote:
>>>> On 9/27/2016 9:26 AM, Dave Smith wrote:
>>>>> Yes, there likely is some iodine in sea salt, along with traces of other
>>>>> elements. Iodized table salt has a lot more. You can taste it.
>>>> The iodine is added for thyroid health reasons.
>>>> Yet people protest adding fluoride to the water supply.
>>> Most sane people don't have a problem with fluoride. It's there for
>>> our tooth health and I haven't had a cavity in 50 years.

>> Who the hell adds stuff to drinking water? If someone wants to take
>> fluoride, they can do so. It doesn't have to be in everyone's drinking
>> water. Anyway, we're on tank (rain) water, so we're good

> The answer to that should be obvious to everybody by now. The idea of polluting our bodies with this poison

OH FFS!!!!!!!!!
You are content with that other poisonous halogen, chlorine, being added
to drinking water.
What the **** is the matter with you?