Salt vs. salt
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Taxed and Spent
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Posts: 2,012
Salt vs. salt
On 9/27/2016 3:53 PM, Bruce wrote:
> In article >,
>> On 9/27/2016 3:55 PM, sf wrote:
>>> On Tue, 27 Sep 2016 11:19:05 -0600, graham > wrote:
>>>> On 9/27/2016 9:26 AM, Dave Smith wrote:
>>>>> Yes, there likely is some iodine in sea salt, along with traces of other
>>>>> elements. Iodized table salt has a lot more. You can taste it.
>>>> The iodine is added for thyroid health reasons.
>>>> Yet people protest adding fluoride to the water supply.
>>> Most sane people don't have a problem with fluoride. It's there for
>>> our tooth health and I haven't had a cavity in 50 years.
>> Our city council removed it ~3 years ago and there has already been a
>> noticeable increase in caries among the poor.
>> The leader of the faction that voted for removal spouted stuff she'd
>> read on the internet - and you know that all that was from kook sites!
> Let's also put anti-depressants in drinking water then. Do you know how
> many people commit suicide? And vitamins, antibiotics, calcium -so many
> broken bones every year-, Omega 3, anti-histamines, folic acid... We'll
> whip those poor losers into shape!
birth control. lot's of problems solved.
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Taxed and Spent
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