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Gary Gary is offline
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Sqwertz wrote:
> Medium Rare Hangar Steak with no gray, just shades of brown and light
> blackening with a pat of butter on top:

Butter not melting. Did you take too long to take a picture?
What's with the only 3 pea pods cooked. Don't like veggies?
LOL! 3 pea pods....why even bother?

> Inside showing what proper Medium Rare is supposed to look like.
> Sheldon take note:

No. Sorry Steve but that looked the same gray as Sheldons steak looked.
His was just a thinner steak.
Medium rare should turn just from "blue" (raw) in the middle to deep
Your steak was also overcooked and grayish, it's just thicker.

Also, I make mine in a cheap RevereWare stainless steel pan.
I use no oil or butter. I bring it up to very hot (where a water droplet
will dance), then I throw it onto the pan. It sure sticks but I leave it
there about a minute or so to sear nicely. Then a fork poked into the
edge will easily unstick it to flip over for 2nd searing. The second
side takes about 2 minutes.

Then I'll turn down the heat to low medium, flip the steak (which is no
longer sticking) and cook it for a few minutes, then flip one more
time. I get medium rare every time.

Next time I cook one, I'll send a finished pic. Red in the middle, not