BubbaBob wrote:
> Richard Periut > wrote:
>>All I can say is that the retard that wrote this article, must
>>of been high. He states that as water becomes more pure,
>>conductivity increases. It's exactly the opposite. It's full of
>>oxymorons and incorrect statements like the aforementioned one.
> Perhaps I should have pointed you to part one, where he explains that
> pure water has reduced electrical conductivity but increased thermal
> conductivity.
> Why do you keep bringing up deposits when we're talking about
> corrosion? They're not related, you know.
> What the hell is 'expresso'?
Then the guy is prone to making mistakes? Not very reliable, eh?
My conjecture still is, that RO water does not corrode the inner parts
of coffee makers and expresso makers.
FYI: Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
One entry found for expresso.
Main Entry: ex·pres·so
Pronunciation: ik-'spre-(")sO
variant of ESPRESSO
If you want me to look up espresso:
One entry found for espresso.
Main Entry: espres·so
Pronunciation: e-'spre-(")sO
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -sos
Etymology: Italian (caffè) espresso, literally, pressed out coffee
1 : coffee brewed by forcing steam through finely ground darkly roasted
coffee beans
2 : a cup of espresso
© 2004 Merriam-Webster, Incorporated
If you don't mind, I'd rather you the variant : )
I already did a search on corrosive and reverse osmosis, and there is
nothing to the aforementioned.
http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&l...&btnG=Sear ch
Last but not least, my experience with RO water has been very positive.
I've had nothing corrode on me, and the coffee tastes better. There is
nothing flat about it, because flat denotes more of a lack of oxygen.
Plus, the coffee does dose the water with some minerals among other
substances, so you really can't appreciate the softness of it.
Tap water is chock full of pesticides and many harmful chemicals (we
still don't know the full known long term effects of drinking this
water,) and big brother is always lowering the standards of quality. And
I think it's a waste of money to buy bottled water (especially Evian,
Perrier, et cetera) (unless you can't avoid it.) RO water is cheap,
readily available (most units come with a 1.8 gallon storage tank,) and
perfectly safe to use.
"Dum Spiro, Spero."
As long as I breath, I hope.