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Jeßus[_55_] Jeßus[_55_] is offline
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On Wed, 28 Sep 2016 18:12:42 -0400, Dave Smith
> wrote:

>On 2016-09-28 5:32 PM, Je?us wrote:
>> On 28 Sep 2016 21:13:10 GMT, notbob > wrote:
>>> On 2016-09-28, Jeßus > wrote:
>>>> What does the salt do?
>>> Same thing it always does. Flavors the meat. Duh.

>> So put it on after it's cooked then!

>Sometimes salt does its thing better when it is applied to the meat

You know, I don't salt steaks... I don't think a good steak needs it.
I've never even thought about before, hmm.

>We are having pork chops grilled on the BBQ tonight. I always
>salt pork at least an hour before cooking. It does wonders for the end
>result. Consider the concept of the dry rub, which is usually salt,
>sugar and an assortment of spices and herbs. Some of them do their
>thing for a day or more. It is not the same as applying some after the
>meat is cooked.

Thanks, I'll try using salt. I might cook up a steak tonight.