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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Pumpkin isn't...pumpkin!

jmcquown wrote:
>Janet B wrote:
>>jmcquown wrote:
>>>Janet B wrote:
>>>>jmcquown wrote:
>>>>>lenona321 wrote:
>>>>>> Canned "pumpkin," that is.
>>>>>> "I Just Found Out Canned Pumpkin Isn’t Pumpkin At All, And My Whole Life is Basically a Lie"
>>>>>> By Emma Crist.
>>>>> How many times must we have this discussion?
>>>>> The Libby's canned pumpkin I have says "100% pumpkin". So does the
>>>>> Publix brand.
>>>>> I just took these pics, the labels on canned pumpkin:
>>>>> I'm not a fan of pumpkin pie but I do like being able to make a quick
>>>>> and slightly spicy pumpkin soup using canned pumpkin.
>>>>> Jill
>>>> The term pumpkin as seen on the can is much broader than the orange
>>>> round thing you find at the supermarket at Halloween.
>>>> Janet US
>>> Oh, I agree, but the Snopes article puts paid to the fact that the
>>> canned pumpkin is made from Dickenson PUMPKIN:

More accurately Dickenson SQUASH.
Search <dickenson squash>: word_rollover

>>> "According to botanists, however, asserting a clear distinction between
>>> "pumpkin" and "squash" is difficult because there is no strict botanical
>>> definition for pumpkins. Semantically, pumpkins are a type of squash,
>>> and the Dickinson cultivar is listed as a pumpkin,"
>>> Jill

Not seman tically, botanically.

>> I read it as saying that it is made from Dickenson pumpkin.
>> "WHAT'S TRUE: As much of 90 percent of pumpkin sold in the U.S. (and
>> 85 percent worldwide) is a proprietary cultivar known as a Dickinson
>> pumpkin, which are less photogenic than the type of pumpkins commonly
>> used for display purposes."
>> Or am I reading you wrong?

>No, you read it correctly. The canned pumpkin is a variety of pumpkin.
> It's not pureed butternut squash as has often been alleged over the years.

Butternut squash is indeed a variety of pumpkin same as pumpkin is a
variety of butternut squash. The cannery prepares a blend using
whichever squash had a good growing season.
Definition of squash
a: any of various fruits of plants (genus *Cucurbita*) of the *gourd*
Definition of pumpkin
a : a fruit of any of various cultivars of herbaceous plants
(*Cucurbita* pepo, C. maxima, C. moschata, and C. mixta syn. C.
argyrosperma) of the *gourd* family.
Same as ther eare many types of pumpkin ther eare many types of
butternut squash. word_rollover