Thread: Salt vs. salt
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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default The US Presidential election

"Bruce" wrote in message

In article >,
> On Fri, 30 Sep 2016 09:20:41 +1000, Bruce >
> wrote:
> >In article >,
> >>
> >> Plenty of completely innocent people have been shot dead after
> >> being
> >> pulled over for speeding, or even while sitting on their own lounge,
> >> in their own home, watching TV.

> >
> >Nevertheless, I never fear being killed by a cop. It must be
> >sufficiently rare that they kill upstanding citizens

> Upstanding citizens has nothing to do with it - my car was stolen by
> the Hells Angels one night as we lay sleeping. Call from the police
> that I must get my hide up to a tavern on the outskirts of town and
> remove my car.
> They returned to the house with us and proceeded to grill me. It was
> a lesson for me to never trust the police again. There they were in
> the house with Mr & Mrs Suburbia, three little kids peeping through
> the stairway and they seriously thought I had driven my car through
> the pub doors. I could tell when I was there that the tavern keeper
> knew who it was and it wasn't me, but it seems police don't have
> brains.
> If it had happened today maybe they would have shot first and asked
> after!

I think it's terrible how they kill people who pose no threat to them,
but let's not pretend police go around shooting innocent biddies and
fuddy duddies on a regular basis.

And what if she was black?
