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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default The US Presidential election

On 2016-09-30 10:16 AM, Gary wrote:
> Dave Smith wrote:
>> On 2016-09-30 5:18 AM, Bruce wrote:
>>>> And what if she was black?
>>> I think those cops kill unarmed black people because they're scared to
>>> death of blacks. But if they're unarmed and old, what's there to be
>>> afraid of?

>> It probably has a lot to do with the number of times black people have
>> shot at cops.

> Let's get real here. It's the young black people that are the problem.
> Seriously and this is not a race thing (for me).
> Most every day my news reports shootings. It's almost always blacks
> shooting blacks.

Yes, and I there is a serious problem with racist attitudes on the part
of those young black men. There was an incident last week where an
unarmed black man was shot after his car stalled. I don't know what went
on there but I have to wonder why the car was stalled straddling the
centre line of the road and why the guy walked back to the car when the
cops were telling him something else. The more recent one was
unfortunate. Sure the guy was unarmed, but he had had his hands in his
pocket, refused to take them out, and then yanked something out of his
pocket and took a shooting stance. That was a crazy thing to do, and
apparently the guy did have mental problems.

That kid in Ferguson was not an innocent victim and the eyewitness
account by a guy who turned out to be his accomplice in a robbery was a
crock of shit. He said the cop grabbed his friend and tried to wrestle
him into the car. I cannot believe a cop would try to detain someone by
trying to pull him into the car. Besides, his account failed to mention
that they were walking away from a robbery. It was a small time one, but
he had bullied the store owner who tried to stop him from stealing a box
of cigars. Shortly after that was a case of a big fat guy taken down
with a choke hold while resisting arrest for selling bootleg cigarettes,
for which he had been convicted something like 30 times previously.

Only a very very small percentage of male black homicide victims are
shot by cops. It is more like a fraction of a percentage. While the
claim to be victims of the police most of the black community are
victims of these thugs.
> These damn idiots seem to live in a war....always shooting each other.
> When a cop shoots a black, it's so sad. We see the parents sitting in
> their living room crying and hold up some picture of their "nice" boy.
> That evil cop shot their nice son.

There was one case where the family claimed their son was not armed and
did not own a gun. Yet there was a gun found at the scene, and he had
fired it.

> Trump said we need "Law and Order." Again, I'll say's not
> going to happen until we start eliminating all the proven
> troublemakers. 3 strikes and you're out. You've proven yourself to be a
> constant threat to society. No jail sentence and appeals anymore, no
> tough guy running a prison...just instant death right outside of the
> courtroom.

There is a little more to it than that. They are disenfranchised and
they need someone to blame for their problems. Many of them are raised
in poverty and there is not a stable family life. They don't buy into
what they see as white values, like an education. Then they can't get a
good job because they don't have a diploma, but it is all the white
man's fault.

> No punishment (like life in prison is worse than death). Just eliminate
> the problem immediately. It's more humane than life in prison, eh?

Really? Given the fact that blacks are disproportionately represented in
prison, and that such a high percentage of black men have criminal
records, that kind of thinking will only be seen as racist, especially
in the black community.