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William[_5_] William[_5_] is offline
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Default Arby's has the meats --- pork belly

On Sat, 1 Oct 2016 21:53:16 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:

>The other night it was late and I was hungry and still a half hour from
>home so I stopped at Arbys. As I pulled into a parking spot, a big sign
>stated "Limited Time Smokehouse Pork Belly" What's a guy supposed to do?
> Order one of course.
>Thick sliced tender pork belly, fried onion rings, sauce, on a bun.
>It was pretty good but not haven eaten for 12 hours may have helped. .
>Sauce was a tad on the sweet side, but overall it was better than a
>McGrease burger. It was $6.69
>As an aside, for less than the price of that sandwich I bought six
>chicken thighs for $3.76. Add some potatoes and a veggie and I'll have
>two dinners and two lunches. I'll cook it in the morning before I go
>out and just reheat it tomorrow night when I get home.

I stopped by Arby's and tried the Pork Belly Sandwich. Quite unusual
and delicious.
