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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Huricane Matthew

On 2016-10-03 1:07 PM, The New Other Guy wrote:
> Anyone living in northeast Florida, and especially South
> and North Carolina need to start thinking about the hurricane
> that seems to be heading for that area by the end of this week.
> Recent models show it moving a little farther to the west,
> and hitting the US east coast by Thursday or Friday.
> It will likely be cat 2 or maybe less by then but will bring
> a LOT of rain with it.

I hope we get some of the tail end rain from that one. I have been using
cistern water since early June and have been checking the well regularly
to see when I can switch back to it. Despite having had rain almost
every day for the last week, including some periods of downpour, my
well is empty. After the driest summer in a long long time, it is going
to take a lot more rain to saturate the ground enough to rejuvenate it.