Here Comes The Dwarf
On Thu, 6 Oct 2016 19:21:25 -0400, jmcquown >
>On 10/3/2016 11:13 AM, Gary wrote:
>> Nancy2 wrote:
>>> I hope for your sake, then, that Russian mulberry trees are longer-lived than
>>> Russian olive trees...they only live about twenty years.
>> I hope Sheldon lives beyond age 93 but odds are that he won't.
>> I doubt the tree life concerns him.
>I think it's nice he plants trees.
I never expect to outlive the trees I plant... most of my trees will
outlive everyone's great great grand children and way beyond... I
planted two gingkos that will probably live more than 2,000 years.
Mulberry trees can easily live 300 years... and the thing is they
reproduce in place by runners so they can actually live forever.
Mostly I planted mulberry trees to attract birds as they produce
berries all summer. I would have preferred weeping mulberry but the
deer here would decimate them.