Thread: Brand loyalty
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sf[_9_] sf[_9_] is offline
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Default Brand loyalty

On Sat, 08 Oct 2016 17:13:40 -0600, Janet B >

> I don't store the unopened bags in the freezer. They are vacuum
> packed. Besides, you are not supposed to store coffee beans in the
> freezer. The condensation is not good.

I don't buy multiple bags of coffee at any one time, so storing them
is never an issue. It's worth a couple of bucks to me to buy it as
fresh as possible. I'm not worried about condensation which is
something I've never seen. The only thing that concerns me is the oil
drying out, which will happen no matter how the coffee stored. AFAIC,
it degrades at a slower rate in the freezer, so that's where I store

Avoid cutting yourself when slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold them.