news of Dataw
In article >, Jeßus says...
> On Tue, 11 Oct 2016 10:52:59 +1100, Bruce >
> wrote:
> IME, any vegetarian recipes that try to emulate meat range from being
> not very nice to outright awful. The best vegetarian recipes don't
> bother to even try to pretend to be meat.
Mock duck replaces meat and I really like it. I don't mind what it
replaces as long as it tastes that good. I'd eat it on a stick as an ice
cream replacement.
> Yep. This kinda reminds me of last week waiting at the supermarket
> checkout. The hipster couple in front of me had a pile of fresh
> vegetables and low fat dairy products... the only other item was one
> of those awful manufactured meat chubs of dog food. I wanted to punch
> them in the face, but sadly we have laws against that.