news of Dataw
Dave Smith wrote in
> On 2016-10-10 5:16 PM, cshenk wrote:
> > Nothing you said Nancy. Others truncated all comments on how Gary
> > is also missing. I objected and some got mad because I objected to
> > removing him from the posts on folks we should be worried about.
> >
> > Tracking, 50% of my city has power again. Gary probably is not one
> > of the lucky ones. Jill probably isnt either (though well south of
> > me). Last track at noon, where I think Gary lives, might be as
> > high as 1 in 5 roads you cant get out from other than foot.
> >
> > Happened to me in 1999 or so. We neighbors gutted a tree across the
> > road to get out. The city later got mad as the crew was supposed to
> > remove the wood. We told them 'what crew'. The crew never arrived
> > so we had cut ourselves out 3 days later. It was 5 days before
> > they got to us. Another week before we got power.
> >
> > Dunno how long Dataw will take. I wish Jill well. I wish Gary
> > well as well.
> I wish her well too. I hate to see anyone in such a difficult
> situation. That being said, I imagine when there are extreme
> circumstances, the authorities have to establish a set of priorities.
> She lives in a small community on an island and I suspect that
> efforts will be made to benefit the largest numbers of people before
> they get to the smaller and more remote neighbourhoods.
You are correct. They won't ignore Dataw, but an area of say 25,000
residents wil take priority over one of 3,000. Sadly, that is how it
I am pretty sure she is just waiting for power.
I hope it's not too much of a trial there.