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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default The Joy of Cooking

On 2016-10-11 6:39 PM, Bruce wrote:
> In article >, Dave Smith says...

>> It is not just white people. Every country, every region and every race
>> has seen it happen over the years. The original people of the British
>> Isles has been overrun by a number of different European cultures.
>> There are more than 600 "first nations" in Canada... 600 groups who all
>> now call each themselves nations and who are complaining about having
>> been colonized by white Europeans. Apparently it was not much of a
>> problem for them to fight among themselves and to hold territory only as
>> long as they could fight off their neighbours. The Neutral Indians who
>> were indigenous to the Niagara area were wipe out in the 1600s by the
>> warfare between the Iroquois and the Huron. The Indians in the far
>> north used to kill Eskimos just for the hell of it. The Indians of the
>> west coast were constantly warring with each other and enslaving
>> captives. It seems to be only the white Europeans whose domination
>> offends them.

> Which isn't surprising since all native Indians have been marginalised
> and white man celebrates that once a year during Thanksgiving

WTF are you talking about. American Thanksgiving is a version of the old
English harvest festival. There is some story about Indians being
invited to the first Thangsiving feast in the Massachusetts colony, but
there is no similar story in Canadian Thanksgiving. They are not
excluded from it. It is usually a family deal.