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Janet B Janet B is offline
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Default Canned Corn Beef

On Wed, 12 Oct 2016 15:06:01 -0700, Taxed and Spent
> wrote:

>I came across a recipe for some appetizer thigamajig that calls for
>canned corn beef. I haven't looked but I assume it is in the store.
>What is this stuff like? Does it taste and feel like real corned beef,
>or what?

Canned corned beef is to corned beef as a McDonalds hamburger is to a
home grilled burger. They are of the same general family. Canned
corned beef used to be good for what it was, however, in the last
several years the manufacturers have found ways to 'improve' it. It
is now a pasty thing in a can. I finally found a can of canned corned
beef from New Zealand that still has pieces of meat and tastes like it
used to "Palm." The stuff from Argentina is no good, just some more
tasteless paste. None of the U.S. stuff is any good. It may be that
what you want is the pasty stuff since you are making an appetizer. I
don't know if any of this helps.
Janet US