Thread: Ping Dsi1
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dsi1[_17_] dsi1[_17_] is offline
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Default Ping Dsi1

On Thursday, October 13, 2016 at 5:41:39 PM UTC-10, Leonard Blaisdell wrote:
> In article >,
> dsi1 <> wrote:
> > There are free changing stations in parking lots around the state. Beats the heck how they can
> > give the stuff away since it's around 35 cents a kWh. How great is that!!!

> My sure bet is that your great price is very highly subsidized. I
> personally help pay for your good prices through taxes. Everyday
> Hawaiians pay way more. Get it while it's hot.
> We all know that electricity doesn't come from "The Great Electric
> Cosmic Ball Mother", don't we?
> Elon Musk has plugged into the current government philosophy money vein
> for a lot of cash. Why can't we plug in for a little? It's all a very
> expensive, governmentally fed, subsidized by all of us, illusion folks.
> Hell, the government even subsidizes buying electric junk to drive.
> 2 cents
> leo

Since I don't live in Never-never land, I know that somebody's paying for it. Some of it is corporate sponsors and possibly there's some state and/or federal monies involved. I had all the lights in my office replaced with high efficiency hardware and bulbs. I received no bill for it nor did I make an attempt to find out how it was paid for. Persons that are hearing impaired have an option to get a free captioned phone. This is paid by everybody that uses a phone and a charge for this service is in their monthly billing.. I think it's about a buck.