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Default Drying out here, Virginia Beach

On Sat, 15 Oct 2016 09:22:55 -0400, Gary > wrote:

>jmcquown wrote:
>> On 10/9/2016 10:41 PM, cshenk wrote:
>> > Some parts of Virginia beach are still impassable. Lots of downed
>> > trees and power outages. A huge number of places closed tomorrow still.
>> >
>> > Not sure if Gary is up. He's more towards the power outage impacted
>> > areas (also cox cable outages).
>> >
>> > Jill is probably still holed up someplace trying to get back into Dataw.
>> >

>> For the record: I didn't go anywhere. Mandatory evac order and they
>> locked the island down. I'm still here and so is the house and so is my
>> cat.

>You are so "YAWN" about this storm. I'd like to hear what Buffy
>has to say about that day. Please allow her to post.

That's fine, when you get away with it. Hurricane Juan came ashore a
mile or so away from where I lived then and was I glad I had prepared,
such as bringing the BBQ in - many people lost patio doors when BBQs
smashed through them, leaving their houses further exposed to the

I watched four lovely trees give in and fall and when the power went,
I was without power for ten days. If I had intended to stay living
out there, I would have bought a generator after that against another
outage. Luckily I had a nice little propane ring which I was able to
donate to a local family with a newborn who were boiling water on
their BBQ, they were embarrassed because they hadn't bothered to

Matthew took out power to 185,000 NSians as it went on its way, but
many said they were okay with generators installed since Juan.