Thread: CoffeeMakers
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Richard Periut
Posts: n/a

BubbaBob wrote:
>>Corrosive to plastic and rubber? I have never heard of that.
>>Also, I have never heard of the chemical / physical reaction
>>that takes place between water (almost pure,) and rubber and
>>plastic. Quite the contrary with water that has salts in it;
>>very corrosive to metals like iron and copper.

> No. Corrosive to metals. There's no such thing as plastic or rubber
> corrosion. They can degrade, harden, crosslink, whatever, but not
> corrode.

So how can it be corrosive to metals, if it has little ions to react
with metals?

What I'm trying to say, is that I never heard of what you are talking
about. My coffee machines continue to be free of calcium deposits. So if
they are not reacting with the metal, I thought you meant the rubbers
and plastics (what my coffee machine is made of.)


"Dum Spiro, Spero."

As long as I breath, I hope.
