Shelf life of frozen food
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Janet B
external usenet poster
Posts: 3,438
Shelf life of frozen food
On Sat, 15 Oct 2016 18:50:40 -0400,
>I have a butt part ham and a whole turkey which I received around last
>Thanksgiving. I never used them, but they've been in their original vacuum
>packaging and frozen really solid in a brand new freezer since I got them. Would
>they still be good to use? I'd hate to plan a meal around them then find out
>their no good once I unfreeze them. I'd have used them by now but it's been a
>rough year for us. Now that things have settled down, I'd like to enjoy them. If
>they're no good, well, nothing lost since they were both freebies. Thanks.
I regularly buy extra after holidays and put them in the freezer for
cooking in the summer. Some turkeys and hams have been known to be in
my freezer for a couple of years when I've been ill. We've eaten them
and they were fine. Those things don't suffer freshness loss until
maybe 24 months. As long as you keep them frozen you're good.
Janet US
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Janet B
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