Thread: Jamie Oliver
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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Jamie Oliver

On 10/8/2016 6:09 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
> I have always been a little disturbed by omnivorous people who complain
> about the cruelty of hunting. Most of them pick up their meat in a
> cooler, all wrapped up and ready for the freezer. Someone else has done
> all the dirty work for them and made it look like it just showed up at
> the grocery store by magic. They have no appreciation for the fact that
> other people kill, dress and butcher their own meat or do it on an
> industrial scale.

My brother worked for Jimmy Dean Foods for years. He was a systems
analyst and often had to take trips to the various slaughterhouses to
tweak the computer equipment. From what he told me, the slaughtering
was not a pretty sight and he was glad most of the equipment he worked
on was well away from the killing areas. Slaughtering is not a job for
the faint of heart.

I like vegetables as much as the next person. I, for one, also
appreciate the people who cut all that meat into nice little pieces so
we can buy it at the grocery store.
