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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Drying out here, Virginia Beach

On 10/15/2016 8:14 PM, cshenk wrote in reply to Jill:
>> Flashlights and LED lanterns are a PIA and don't really cast good
>> >light. Know what I used? Actual hurricane lamps. Yes, the kind
>> >that take oil and wicks. No need to worry about batteries (I've got
>> >tons of those) or bulbs burhing out as long as you have oil. I used
>> >the stupid Coleman LED lantern to light the bathroom so Buffy could
>> >find her litter box. The room I spent most of my time in was lit by
>> >a hurricane lamp.
>> >
>> >Jill

> Hi Jill, you need to check out the new ones for lights. I am not
> kidding that I can light my 16x40ft living room with one for 5 nights
> running on 2 AA batteries. The bigger one with 4 AA batteries is as
> good as the regular lights. Your hurricane lamp throughs 1/4 the light
> of these.

Um... my LED lanterns are less than five years old. Am I supposed to
buy new ones every year or something?

The fact is, I do not like the harsh white light they cast. I much
preferred the gentle glow from the large table/oil lamp in the den.

I used one of the LED lanterns to light the master bathroom. I set it
on the vanity/sink. That pretty much lit my way to the adjoining room
where the toilet & tub is. Buffy's litter box is in that room, too, so
she could see to use *her* toilet at night.

Different strokes. Overall, I prefer the ambiance of the oil lamps. I
*do* have a battery operated LED book light.
