Thread: Jamie Oliver
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Default Jamie Oliver

On Sun, 16 Oct 2016 10:28:01 -0400, jmcquown >

>On 10/8/2016 6:20 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>> On 2016-10-08 6:09 PM, Bruce wrote:
>>> In article >, Jeßus says...
>>>> On Sun, 9 Oct 2016 07:15:39 +1100, Bruce >
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> If the walls of slaughterhouses were made of glass, this whole
>>>>> newsgroup
>>>>> would be vegetarian.
>>>> Bullshit.
>>> You may be desensitized to the slaughtering of animals, but most people
>>> are not.

>> You didn't say most people. You said this whole newsgroup. Jeßus and I
>> would not, and there are likely others. Maybe you should have said
>> "most of the newsgroup" would be vegetarian and not "all of this
>> newsgroup" would be.

>Sorry, I wouldn't be turned vegetarian by seeing this. Sure, I love
>vegetables. But I also love meat. Watching them being slaughtered
>wouldn't change my opinion or my eating preferences.
>Some people might recall the American PBS series 'Frontier House'.
>Families take back to live life as it was in the 1880's. They had to
>raise and kill animals (as well as plant crops) for food. They were
>perhaps a bit squeamish about having to shoot Jo-Jo the pig but they all
>chowed down on the meat in the end. I would have, too.

Friends raised a steer on their country property one time. We all
grew to love Moo then one winter when we were having dinner there I
remarked 'nice steak' - it's Moo said the host and I don't know how I
managed not to throw up at the table, if I know it, I can't eat it.